Monday 30 September 2013

Knitting Project Bags

For a while now I've been eyeing off knitting project bags on Etzy.  I became interested in them after I started watching American knitting video podcasts.  So the other week I made my first purchase from  and they arrived today along with a free gift of little needle protectors.

Two medium size (bag measures 11"x 13 1/2") and one sock size (bag measures 8" x 9 1/2").  When I did the initial measuring I thought that they didn't seem that big, but now I have them they are just the right size for what I want.  They even have a yarn feeder inside the bag and a silver clasp to attach bags to other bags or belt loops.

Now I also have a reasonably large material stash and I'm wondering just how hard it would be to make them myself.  So I think I might drag out the sewing machine sometime in the future and do some experimenting.  But until then I'm going to love using these beautiful bags.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Knitters' Guild NSW Camp 2013

I went to my first ever knitting camp last weekend.  I attended as a day visitor for both Saturday and Sunday as I wasn't sure how people would handle my snoring in dormitory style accommodation.   I shouldn't have worried though, as when I received my show bag, inside were ear plugs for people to deal with the snoring.  So next time I will defiantly sleep over.  I think you miss a lot of the socializing by not staying overnight.

The camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops NSW.  This centre is surrounded by bush and the buildings looked new, lots of space and the weather was beautiful.  There was a lot of knitting and even spinning done outside.  All meals were provided with plenty of healthy and not so healthy snacks, tea and coffee available whenever you needed it and even Knitters Guild lollies and little cup cakes. (Sorry I didn't get a pic of these but they looked yummy)

You had different classes to choose from for both days, so on Saturday I attended Lace Knitting, Sherman Heels & Toes for socks and Beaded Knitting.  And on Sunday I attended the Intarsia class and Turning Your Knitting into a Business.  I came away learning something new from all of these classes and handy little tips for knitting in general like cutting plastic straws into thin rings for using as stitch markers.

I tend to use the same cast on all the time but at the camp I learnt how to do the provisional cast on using a crochet hook and also Judy's Magic Cast-on, which is very handy for socks.  As for socks I've always knitted them cuff down not toe up so now I think I'm on my way to mastering the toe up way from the techniques that I learnt at camp.

I loved learning how to knit with the beads but the beads were so tiny it took me ages to finish this little purse brooch by


So when you were done with the classes and wanted a break you could stroll over to the Retail Marketplace for some retail yarn and fiber therapy.   And yes I couldn't resist and did add to my stash but I tried to stick to colours that I don't normally get and different types of yarn and fiber like this 100% Linen from the Dairing company at

Now for an appropriate pattern.  A nice big shawl possibly.  Yes I buy the yarn first and then decide what to knit.

And to add to my new fiber stash from


All in all I had a fantastic week end and can't wait for the next camp.  Shame they only have them every two years.  Now my mission is to find a knitters and spinning group that I can attend that fits in with my work commitments.

Now enough typing - onto some knitting!!!!!!  
PS as spelling and grammar are not my strongest points I apologize for any errors.

Halloween Preparation

Yesterday I started my Halloween prep.  Even though its an American tradition it is becoming more popular here.  Last year I decorated the front yard and had goodie bags for the local kids when they came knocking.  Our neighbour went really over the top and turned their garage into a creepy, spooky  room to wonder through.

I found this cute knitting pattern for little pumpkins at so I just had to make one yesterday.

I used some old acrylic 8ply wool that I had lying around and size 4 circular needle and slightly smaller size double point needles to do the stork bit.